Watch the video above to see a test of REGUPOL Cargo Matting. See how far the tilt-tray tips before the cargo slides.
TEST SUMMARY: Palletised load placed on top of REGUPOL Cargo Matting with zero lashings / chain restraints applied to the pallet.
OBJECTIVE: Assess the angle at which the unrestrained pallet begins to move while sitting on the REGUPOL Cargo Mat.
REGUPOL Cargo Matting has been placed under the pallet which is holding several rolls of rubber flooring.
The firmly secured pallet-stack on the right acts as a buffer to catch the cargo once it begins to slide.
The only restraint holding the cargo in place is the cargo matting – nothing else. The mat’s high friction surface performs incredibly well.
Anyone involved in the transportation or consignment of goods has a legal responsibility to ensure that loads are adequately restrained and can endure hazardous situations such as emergency stopping or sudden changes in direction.
The matting is very easy to cut to shape or size, as can be seen in the image below, where our 8mm variety is being cut using a Stanley Knife.
For REGUPOL Cargo Matting product information, please visit:

Cutting 8mm REGUPOL cargo matting using a Stanley Knife.
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